Unauthorised access to data is a primary concern of clients who commission a Salesforce assessment. The Salesforce documentation acknowledges that the sharing model is a “complex relationship between role hierarchies, user permissions, sharing rules, and exceptions for certain situations”. It is often said that complexity and security are natural enemies. Salesforce empowers its users with a multifaceted sharing framework in order to cover a wide variety of business use cases. But with great power comes great responsibility. This blog post over on the NCC Group research site discusses the topic of misconfigured sharing, and announces the release of a new open-source tool Raccoon to help identify such misconfigurations, which could otherwise expose sensitive data.
Category Archives: Tools
Salesforce Policy Deviation Checker
SFPolDevChk is a quick tool to show which Profiles in a Salesforce instance have become desynced from an Organization in terms of password and session policies, with any deviations highlighted. Published as an NCC Group open source project.
From CSV to CMD to qwerty
The ongoing breach stories of targeted email campaigns harbouring malicious attachments made me think of writing up a summary of a presentation I gave at the amazing NCC Con held in Dublin in January this year. The talk was based on a pentesting war story that started off exploiting the old (but I believe often overlooked) Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) trick to go from an Excel export function in a web app to OS code running on users’ workstations. From there, the story takes us on to domain creds via some NTLMv2 theory (without a pentest laptop), a bug in hashcat and a new script “catflap”. Continue reading
Testing for POODLE_TLS Manually
Testing for the original POODLE vulnerability was easy because it was an inherent problem with SSLv3, so if you find SSLv3 enabled then you’ve found POODLE (although other factors such as cipher suite preference have a role to play – see my previous post). Like Heartbleed, though, testing for POODLE over TLS is conceptually easy but it falls within a class of flaws that requires bespoke tools as an unpatched version of openssl
, for example, won’t do what you want it to do. This article discusses how the Python tlslite library can be used to test for POODLE_TLS – and so much more. Continue reading
Sophie – a web SQL shell
If you can exploit a flaw to upload files to an executable directory in an IIS environment, there are plenty of web shells around (some of which may be trojaned but that’s another issue) to give you an interactive command prompt via your browser. If the application makes use of a MS-SQL database, the same flaw can be used to upload Sophie, a “web SQL shell”, giving you access to the database via your browser as well: Continue reading
William – WPA/WPA2 4-way handshake extraction script
If you’ve ever tested Aircrack against a packet capture containing a handshake from a network whose WPA/WPA2 passphrase is known, you may have sometimes frowned at the “Passphrase not in dictionary” message. One possibility for this is noted on the (excellent) Aircrack website – http://www.aircrack-ng.org/doku.php?id=aircrack-ng#wpa_wpa2_handshake_analysis_fails. Essentially Aircrack hasn’t parsed the handshake from the capture correctly because there is too much “noise”. If Aircrack picks packets from different 4-way handshake exchanges then the passphrase will not be found, even if it’s in the dictionary. A tool called “wpaclean” (which is included in Backtrack) tidies up four-way handshake captures but, in my experiments, it didn’t always work so I wrote an alternative clean-up script, called William, that gives you more control. Continue reading